Look up your local Neighbourhood Policing Team

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Lisvane and Thornhill

Neighbourhood Policing is at the heart of our approach to keeping South Wales safe. Your local team is made up of officers and PCSOs based in this area who are both visible and accessible.

We work closely with residents, community leaders, the local authority and other partners to understand and respond to community concerns. By working together and focussing on early intervention, prevention and problem solving we can find long-term solutions to local problems.

Please note that to report a crime or incident to South Wales Police, you can visit South-wales.police.uk or in an emergency, please dial 999.

Llanishen & Rumney Neighbourhood Policing Team

Tony Hughes (South Wales Police, PC, Llanishen NPT)

Tony Hughes


07584 883297

Abi Samuel (South Wales Police, PCSO, Llanishen NPT)

Abi Samuel


07816 180845

Local Priority Issues

We regularly speak to local residents to establish what issues they may be experiencing in the area. The word cloud below represents the issues that residents of Lisvane and Thornhill have highlighted as priorities for the area recently (including some that say “I have no issues”).

Word clouds are graphical representations of word frequency that give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently. The larger the word in the visual below the more common the word was in the local survey.

We seek to tackle the issues raised in line with our Local Policing Plan.

To 'Have your say' on local issues, please click on the button below to complete a short survey.

Latest South Wales Updates

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Good evening Thank you to those who came to the PACT meeting this afternoon at the Old school. It...

South Wales Police
13/03/2025 18:33:43

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Phone snatchings / Cipiadau ffôn

There has been a recent rise in phone snatchings across Cardiff.Officers are investigating these inc...

South Wales Police
07/03/2025 13:58:46

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Be vigilant - Burglaries/Suspicious incidents | Byddwch yn wyliadwrus - Byrgleriaethau/Digwyddiadau amheus

Hello Resident We are seeing an increase in burglaries in the Lisvane area and reports of susp...

South Wales Police
05/03/2025 14:41:35

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Hi all Just a reminder that PACT will be at on 13/03/25 14:00hrs at the OLD SCHOOL, LLWYN Y PIA ROAD...

South Wales Police
01/03/2025 16:34:00

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Local PCSO

Good Evening all My name is Abi and I am your new local PCSO for the area. I will be taking over fr...

South Wales Police
25/02/2025 19:43:13

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Crime prevention message / Neges atal troseddau

Good afternoon all. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for sending over video footage ...

South Wales Police
19/02/2025 14:53:57

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Crime prevention message / Neges atal troseddau

Good afternoon all. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for sending over video footage ...

South Wales Police
19/02/2025 14:47:06

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Crime prevention message / Neges atal troseddau

Neges Ddwyieithog / Bilingual Message. Crime prevention messageHello Resident #BEVIGILAN...

South Wales Police
18/02/2025 08:19:25

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