Look up your local Neighbourhood Policing Team

Find your local Neighbourhood Policing Team and be able to contact them directly by entering a street address or postcode below:


Neighbourhood Policing is at the heart of our approach to keeping South Wales safe. Your local team is made up of officers and PCSOs based in this area who are both visible and accessible.

We work closely with residents, community leaders, the local authority and other partners to understand and respond to community concerns. By working together and focussing on early intervention, prevention and problem solving we can find long-term solutions to local problems.

Please note that to report a crime or incident to South Wales Police, you can visit South-wales.police.uk or in an emergency, please dial 999.

Maesteg Neighbourhood Policing Team

Danielle  Burton  (South Wales Police , Sgt , Maesteg )

Danielle Burton



Holly Edwards (South Wales Police , PCSO , Aberkenfig NPT T2)

Holly Edwards



Andrew Jenkins (South Wales Police, PCSO, Aberkenfig NPT T1)

Andrew Jenkins



Menna Jenkins (South Wales Police, NPSO - Neighbourhood Policing Support Officer, Maesteg)

Menna Jenkins

NPSO - Neighbourhood Policing Support Officer


Local Priority Issues

We regularly speak to local residents to establish what issues they may be experiencing in the area. The word cloud below represents the issues that residents of Blackmill have highlighted as priorities for the area recently (including some that say “I have no issues”).

Word clouds are graphical representations of word frequency that give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently. The larger the word in the visual below the more common the word was in the local survey.

We seek to tackle the issues raised in line with our Local Policing Plan.

To 'Have your say' on local issues, please click on the button below to complete a short survey.

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