Drug dealers Cameron Farrah, 25, and Tyrese Jones, 23, from Ely, exploited vulnerable teenage boys to sell drugs on their behalf to maximise profits. The victims would spend most of their days and night in secluded wooded areas, under makeshift tents selling crack cocaine and heroin.
Farrah and Jones were arrested as part of a proactive police operation into the “CC” drugs line, which was operating across Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
Three other people – Chakeel Lovell, 23, from Penylan, Joshua Dunbar, 28, from Pentyrch, and Taylor Penny Soraya Williams, 25, from Ely – were also arrested for their roles in the county line.
The CC drugs line was a busy well-established drugs line which had been operating for several years in the Cardiff area.
The police investigation revealed the shocking conditions under which the four victims had been forced to work between November 2023 and January 2024.
Senior Investigating Officer Detective Inspector Tim Jones said: “The victims were sat on old, discarded furniture in wooded locations away from the public, into the night, under makeshift tents, surrounded by machetes, carrying knives, and being paid minimally for their time selling these deadly drugs. Exploiting vulnerable children in this way is despicable. Exploitation and slavery have no place in our South Wales communities, and we will do all we can to arrest those involved.”
This is the first case of its kind in Cardiff where a county line has been prosecuted for modern slavery offences alongside drug trafficking charges without the need for any victims to provide evidence supporting the prosecution.
Dunbar, Farrah, and Lovell were arrested in Highbury Road, Ely, Cardiff, on March 13, 2024 - During the arrests, two kilos of heroin was seized. Jones was arrested two weeks later at his home address. Williams was arrested on April 18, 2024.
All five appeared at Newport Crown Court on Tuesday March 18, and were sentenced as follows: DI Jones added: “South Wales Police is committed to identifying and safeguarding any young or vulnerable people in the community that are being exploited by Organised Crime Groups such as this one. We will look to place orders such as Slavery and Trafficking Prevention Orders upon conviction on any offenders involved in this type of criminality.”
Shwmae Resident
Camfanteisiodd y delwyr cyffuriau Cameron Farrah, 25 oed, a Tyrese Jones, 23 oed, o Drelái, ar fechgyn ifanc agored i niwed i werthu cyffuriau ar eu rhan er mwyn gwneud mwy o elw. Byddai'r dioddefwyr yn treulio'r rhan fwyaf o'u diwrnodau a'u nosweithiau mewn ardaloedd coediog diarffordd, mewn pebyll dros dro yn gwerthu crac cocên a heroin.
Cafodd Farrah a Jones eu harestio fel rhan o ymgyrch plismona rhagweithiol ar gyfer llinell cyffuriau “CC” a oedd yn gweithredu ledled Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg.
Cafodd tri unigolyn arall – Chakeel Lovell, 23 oed, o Benylan, Joshua Dunbar, 28 oed, o Bentyrch, a Taylor Penny Soraya Williams, 25 oed, o Drelái – hefyd eu harestio am eu rolau yn y llinell cyffuriau.
Roedd llinell cyffuriau CC yn llinell cyffuriau sefydledig a phrysur a oedd wedi bod yn gweithredu ers sawl blwyddyn yn ardal Caerdydd. Datgelodd ymchwiliad yr heddlu yr amodau erchyll y gorfodwyd y pedwar dioddefwr i weithio ynddynt rhwng mis Tachwedd 2023 a mis Ionawr 2024.
Dywedodd y Ditectif Arolygydd Tim Jones, yr Uwch-swyddog Ymchwilio: “Roedd y dioddefwyr yn eistedd ar hen ddodrefn wedi'u taflu mewn lleoliadau coediog oddi wrth y cyhoedd, dros nos, mewn pebyll dros dro, wedi'u hamgylchynu â machetes, cyllyll, ac nid oeddent yn cael llawer o dâl am eu hamser yn gwerthu'r cyffuriau peryglus hyn. Mae camfanteisio ar blant sy'n agored i niwed fel hyn yn ffiaidd.Nid oes lle i ecsbloetiaeth na chaethwasiaeth yn ein cymunedau yn Ne Cymru, a byddwn yn gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i arestio'r rhai dan sylw.”
Hwn yw'r achos cyntaf o'i fath yng Nghaerdydd lle mae llinell cyffuriau wedi cael ei erlyn am droseddau caethwasiaeth fodern ynghyd â chyhuddiadau o fasnachu mewn cyffuriau heb fod angen i unrhyw ddioddefwyr roi tystiolaeth i gefnogi'r erlyniad.
Cafodd Dunbar, Farrah a Lovell eu harestio yn Highbury Road, Trelái, Caerdydd, ar 13 Mawrth, 2024 - Yn ystod yr arestiadau, cafodd 2kg o heroin ei atafaelu. Cafodd Jones ei arestio bythefnos yn ddiweddarach yng nghyfeiriad ei gartref. Cafodd Williams ei arestio ar 18 Ebrill, 2024.
Ymddangosodd y pump gerbron Llys y Goron Casnewydd ddydd Mercher, 19 Mawrth, ac fe'u dedfrydwyd fel a ganlyn. Ychwanegodd y Ditectif Arolygydd Jones: “Mae Heddlu De Cymru yn ymrwymedig i nodi a diogelu unrhyw bobl ifanc neu bobl sy'n agored i niwed yn y gymuned y mae Grwpiau Troseddau Cyfundrefnol yn camfanteisio arnynt fel y grŵp hwn. Byddwn yn mynd ati i osod gorchmynion megis Gorchmynion Atal Caethwasiaeth a Masnachu wrth gollfarnu unrhyw droseddwyr sy'n ymwneud â'r math hwn o droseddau.” | ||||
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