The Police
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Community access point Cardiff Library 10:30-12:30

Good Morning, 


The Neighbourhood Policing team will be in Cardiff Central Library today from 10:30-12:30. 


If you have any concerns or issues you would like to discuss please come along. 


Many thanks, 

Cardiff Central Neighbourhood Policing team. 



Bore da, 

Bydd y tîm Plismona Bro yn Llyfrgell Ganolog Caerdydd heddiw o 10:30-12:30. 


Os oes gennych unrhyw bryderon neu faterion yr hoffech eu trafod dewch draw. 


Diolch yn fawr, 

Tîm Plismona Bro Canolog Caerdydd.

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Message Sent By
Emily Martin
(South Wales Police, Police Community Support Officer, Cardiff Central NPT)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials