Myself and PCSO Jenkins had a Cuppa with a Copper yesterday and met with the local Councillor, Community Councillor and the local Community Engagement Officer.
Together we try and meet up every few months to tackle any issues we are all experiencing in the Ogmore Valley.
Overall, the valley has very limited issues. However a few of the topics that we discussed involved; Police - Parking in rear lanes, obstructing access as well as access to garages. - Parking over drop curbs - Parking on the zig zags - E-Scooters / Off road bikes Council - Noise - Dog noise - Parking (relating to lines and signs) - Oxford Court Flats ______________________________________________________________ Parking on zig zags is an endorsable offence, which means that you could have to points and a fine / or attend court if you are caught doing so.
Parking over drop curbs / blocking lanes is an obstruction. This can result in a fine, or having your car recovered from the location. This means you would have to attend the correct recovery unit and pay to get your car back.
Please avoid these parking offences and everyone is happy! ______________________________________________________________ We are aware that there are a number of youths with e-scooters in the Ogmore Valley.
E-scooters are illegal, and are meant to only be used on your own private land, or land that you have permission to do so.
If they are seen to be used dangerously, or in an anti social manner, please report it to 101.
Same goes for illegal off-road bikes!
Without your reports, although myself and PCSO Jenkins are aware of some of the issues, SWP do not recognise that there is a problem. This means we can not work together and submit referrals with other Police departments such as Community Safety Partnership or Anti Social Behaviour Team, Traffic and more!
Any questions, please send me an email on holly.edwards1@south-wales.police.uk
Thank you!
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