The Police
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Monthly Drop-in Surgeries

Good morning / afternoon residents, 

Thank you for signing up to South Wales Listens.

Recently I held a Drop-in surgery at Hazel Court Sketty.

This is a perfect opportunity for you to have your say on the issues that are affecting you, ask any questions that 

may be crime related, or any general problems you may be experiencing.  Its important that you have your say and I

would very much like to hear from you.  


I appreciate that not everyone can make day time Drop-ins, and I want to make this available to everyone.

I am aiming to hold many of these engagements over the locality over the next few months, that will be advertised on the South Wales Listens messaging service.


If you have any requests for a suitable location and time, please feel free to drop me a line on here, or on my works mobile on 07469908004.  

I aim to be as flexible as possible to accommodate the needs of the community.


Many thanks / diolch yn fawr


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Message Sent By
Melanie Rachel Dix
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Townhill/Gower)

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