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Please find the following crime stats:-


Occurrences = 78

Between 13/1/2025 and 10/2/2025


Road Related


23/8/24                              Nantgarw Hill                                 48mph in 40mph

23/8/24                              Nantgarw Hill                                 54mph in 40mph

13/1/25                              Nantgarw Hill                                 Sect 165 Seizure for no insurance

17/1/25                              Taffs Well                                          Sect 165 Seizure

18/1/25                              Nantgarw Hill                                 Driver reported for summons using mobile phone.

26/7/24                              Nantgarw Hill                                 76mph in 40mph

1/2/25                                 Taffs Well                                          Sect 165 seizure only provisional licence

1/2/25                                 Taffs Well                                          Cloned vehicle plates and no insurance and fled the scene. Owner has been reported for summons.

1/2/25                                 Taffs Well                                          Sect 165 seizure for no tax.   

1/2/25                                 Showcase Cinemas                  Car nuisance – donuts / speeding / noise – Awaiting CCTV.

3/2/25                                 Taffs Well                                          Section 59 Warning issued for erratic driving.          

5/2/25                                 Taffs Well                                          OP Snap – Using mobile whilst driving – Fixed Penalty Notice                



Theft & Handling

13/1/25                              COOP                                                 Two males have taken items without payment.

14/1/25                              Total Petrol Station                     Failure to pay for fuel.

18/1/25                              Beech Farm                                    Two males and female identified taken equine boots.

21/1/25                              COOP                                                 Male has filled basket and left without paying.

21/1/25                              COOP                                                 Male has filled basket of ready meals and left.

31/1/25                              COOP                                                 Male has taken crate of alcohol without paying.

31/1/25                              COOP                                                 Male has taken Strongbow box without paying. Same male above.

9/2/25                                 Beech Farm                                    Three Males have taken equine equipment.



24/1/25                              Cardiff Road                                   6 x Youths have kicked and banged front door causing damage. (Under investigation and trying to identify youths from images)



29/01/25                           Brynau Road                                  Damage to allotment fence.

4/2/25                                 COOP                                                 Attempt break in.

10/2/25                              Cardiff Road                                   Male has been arrested.



PACT Priorities:-


  • Speed Operation on Heol Crochendy, Nantgarw on 6/1/25 with 20 x cars speeding and will be reported for summons.
  • Operation Espino – Off-Road motorbikes on 19/1/25 at Coal tip, Nantgarw.
  • 4 x Anti-Social Behaviours and 3 x Section 59 issued to owners. 

    1 x Male arrested for driving without care and attention, possession of cannabis and assault police.

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    Message Sent By
    Warren Williams
    (Police, PCSO, Taffs Well)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials