The Police
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Vehicle Theft

Hi residents,


Just to make you aware there has been a noticeable increase in vehicle theft in the Morriston and Swansea area. In most cases vehicles are being stolen without the keys. Please be vigilant and report any incident via 101 or 999 in an emergency.

Please take some time to read the advice below. 


Keep the keys safe

Vehicles today are by and large more difficult to steal than ever, unless the thief can access your key or fob to clone them. Keep your keys safe, out of view when at home, and away from your front door. Its not uncommon for car keys to be stolen from inside your home by thieves fishing for them with a stick and hook through the letterbox.  


Keyless entry

Cars with keyless entry unlock automatically when the key comes within a short distance of the car. This can be from inside a pocket or bag. If you must push a button on your car key to open your car, you don’t have keyless entry. 

Keyless car theft or ‘relay theft’ is when a device is used to fool the car into thinking the key is close by. This unlocks the car and starts the ignition.

Thieves only need to be within a few metres of your car key to capture the signal, even if it’s inside your home. This means that even if your car and home are secure, thieves can still unlock, start, and steal your car.


 How to protect your keyless entry car


  • When at home keep your car key (and the spare) away from the car, doors and windows.

  • Put your keys in a signal-blocking pouch, such as a Faraday Bag.

  • Turn off wireless signals on your fob when it’s not being used.

  • Park in your garage overnight if you don’t have a garage park close to your home.





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    Message Sent By
    Sara Howells
    (South Wales Police, PCSO, Morriston / Eastside NPT - Plasmarl / Treboeth)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials