💻Some of the most common scams reported to Action Fraud involve fraudsters connecting remotely to a victim's computer. ⚠️Protect yourself and never allow remote access to your computer following an unsolicited call, text message or browser pop-up. 🔗Find out more: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/a-z-of-fraud/remoteaccesstoolscams
💻 Mae rhai o’r sgamiau mwyaf cyffredin sy’n cael eu hadrodd i Action Fraud yn ymwneud â thwyllwyr yn cysylltu o bell â chyfrifiadur dioddefwr. ⚠️ Amddiffynnwch eich hun a pheidiwch byth â chaniatáu mynediad o bell i'ch cyfrifiadur yn dilyn galwad ddigymell, neges destun neu naid porwr. 🔗Dysgu mwy: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/a-z-of-fraud/remoteaccesstoolscams
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