The Police
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#RECRUITMENT | We are currently recruiting for Police Community Support Officers.

PCSO Bayliss has been working in the role for 13 years.

💬 “Your day is what you make of it, and I love that!”

💬 “I would recommend the role because it’s such an amazing opportunity to be a part of the policing family, to get involved and integrated into the community and support and assist people.”

Our PCSOs work in the heart of our communities, building strong relationships between the public and the police service.

Apply now and join #TeamSWP ➡️ https://policejobswales.tal.net/vx/lang-en-GB/mobile-0/channel-1/appcentre-5/brand-3/xf-33ca03562b12/wid-2/candidate/so/pm/6/pl/15/opp/7600-POLICE-COMMUNITY-SUPPORT-OFFICERS-PCSO-Recruitment/en-GB?adhoc_referrer=jobboard_Facebook

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Message Sent By
Andrew Jenkins
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Aberkenfig NPT T1)

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