The Police
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Anti-Social Behaviour / Ymddygiad Gwrthgymdeithasol

Dear Resident,

I received information about a group of youths congregating and acting antisocially in the Lisvane Old School Community Centre car park.

I conducted patrols late in the evening, but the group was not present in the area. Could I ask if you are out and about, and you sighted a group of males, within 4 to 6 of them, anywhere in Lisvane, could you please let me know.

I am attempting to curb such behaviour in the area, and I am uncertain about the potential escalation.


Anti-social behaviour covers a wide range of unacceptable activity that causes harm to an individual, to their community or to their environment. This could be an action by someone else that leaves you feeling alarmed, harassed, or distressed. It also includes fear of crime or concern for public safety, public disorder, or public nuisance.


Examples of anti-social behaviour include:


  • Nuisance, rowdy or inconsiderate neighbours
  • Vandalism, graffiti, and flyposting
  • Street drinking
  • Environmental damage including littering, dumping of rubbish and abandonment of cars
  • Prostitution related activity
  • Fireworks misuse
  • Inconsiderate or inappropriate use of vehicles
  • The police, local authorities, and other community safety partner agencies, such as Fire & Rescue and social housing landlords, all have a responsibility to deal with anti-social behaviour and to help people who are suffering from it.


    In an emergency always call 999.

    Do you need to speak to the police but don’t require an emergency response?

    You can make an online report via our website https://www.south-wales.police.uk, send us a private message via Live Chat, or call 101. In an emergency always dial 999.


    Annwyl Breswylydd,

    Cefais wybodaeth am grŵp o bobl ifanc yn ymgynnull ac yn ymddwyn yn wrthgymdeithasol ym maes parcio Canolfan Gymunedol Hen Ysgol Llys-faen.

    Cynhaliais batrolau yn hwyr yn y nos, ond nid oedd y grŵp yn bresennol yn yr ardal. A gaf i ofyn a ydych chi allan, a'ch bod wedi gweld grŵp o wrywod, o fewn 4 i 6 ohonyn nhw, unrhyw le yn Llys-faen, a fyddech cystal â rhoi gwybod i mi.

    Rwy’n ceisio ffrwyno ymddygiad o’r fath yn yr ardal, ac rwy’n ansicr ynghylch y cynnydd posibl.


    Mae ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol yn cwmpasu ystod eang o weithgarwch annerbyniol sy’n achosi niwed i unigolyn, i’w gymuned neu i’w hamgylchedd. Gallai hyn fod yn weithred gan rywun arall sy'n eich gadael yn teimlo'n ofnus, yn aflonyddu neu'n ofidus. Mae hefyd yn cynnwys ofn trosedd neu bryder am ddiogelwch y cyhoedd, anhrefn cyhoeddus, neu niwsans cyhoeddus.


    Mae enghreifftiau o ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol yn cynnwys:


    Cymdogion niwsans, swnllyd neu anystyriol

    Fandaliaeth, graffiti a gosod posteri'n anghyfreithlon

    Yfed stryd

    Difrod amgylcheddol gan gynnwys taflu sbwriel, dympio sbwriel a gadael ceir

    Gweithgaredd cysylltiedig â phuteindra

    Camddefnyddio tân gwyllt

    Defnydd anystyriol neu amhriodol o gerbydau

    Mae gan yr heddlu, awdurdodau lleol, ac asiantaethau partner diogelwch cymunedol eraill, megis Tân ac Achub a landlordiaid tai cymdeithasol, gyfrifoldeb i ddelio ag ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol ac i helpu pobl sy'n dioddef ohono.


    Mewn argyfwng ffoniwch 999 bob amser.

    A oes angen i chi siarad â’r heddlu ond nad oes angen ymateb brys arnoch?

    Gallwch wneud adroddiad ar-lein trwy ein gwefan https://www.south-wales.police.uk , anfon neges breifat atom trwy Live Chat, neu ffonio 101. Mewn argyfwng deialwch 999 bob amser.

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    Message Sent By
    Derek Johnson
    (Police, PCSO, Llanishen NPT)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials