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Officer Drop In Session / Sesiwn Galw Heibio Gyda Swyddogion

Officer Drop In Session


Hello Resident


Today, PCSO Claire Jones will be popping in to the ‘Christmas Hub Day’ being held at Brynhyfryd Early Help Hub, 495 Llangyfelach Road Brynhyfryd.


Free Entry between 1.00-5:30pm. Come along and join in the fun. 


Do you need to speak to the police but don’t require an emergency response?

You can make an online report via our website https://www.south-wales.police.uk, send us a private message via Live Chat, or call 101. In an emergency always dial 999.

Sesiwn Galw Heibio Gyda Swyddogion

Shwmae Resident


Heddiw, bydd SCCH Claire Jones yn dod i'r 'Diwrnod Hwb Nadolig' a gynhelir yng Nghanolfan Cymorth Cynnar Brynhyfryd, 495 Heol Llangyfelach Brynhyfryd.


Mynediad am ddim rhwng 1.00-5:30pm. Dewch draw i ymuno yn yr hwyl. 


A oes angen i chi siarad â'r heddlu ond nad oes angen ymateb brys arnoch?

Gallwch wneud adroddiad ar-lein trwy ein gwefan https://www.south-wales.police.uk, anfon neges breifat atom trwy Live Chat, neu ffonio 101. Mewn argyfwng ffoniwch 999 bob amser.


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Message Sent By
Claire Jones
(South Wales Police, PCSO, SNPT-TOWNHILL)

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