Your Neighbourhood Policing Team in Townhill are encouraging people to do as much as they can this Christmas to prevent their homes from being broken into.
When a person gets burgled, the only person responsible is the burglar themselves, but by taking as many precautions with your home security as possible, you can prevent yourself from becoming a victim of this type of crime.
Our eight Christmas crime prevention tips:
1. Deter burglars by installing lighting and a smart doorbell or CCTV camera outside your home. 2. Beware of distraction burglars. If you’re not sure, don’t open the door. 3. Don’t tempt burglars into your home by leaving valuables or Christmas presents on show. 4. Christmas shopping? Make sure your vehicle is locked, and no valuables or shopping bags are on display. 5. This winter, deter burglars by making sure you keep your doors and windows locked at all times. 6. Away over Christmas? Plan ahead to make sure burglars don’t break in! Cancel any deliveries and arrange for a trusted neighbour to park on the driveway. On social media don’t advertise that you are going away. 7. Give the impression your house is occupied by leaving a light on when going out at night and using light timer switches when going away. 8. Prevent your car from being stolen this winter by keeping it locked with keys out of sight and if keyless, in a Faraday pouch.
Gweithredu CadarnhaolShwmae Resident
Mae eich Tîm Plismona Bro yn Townhill yn annog pobl i wneud cymaint ag y gallant y Nadolig hwn i atal eu cartrefi rhag cael eu torri i mewn. Pan fydd rhywun yn cael ei fyrglera, yr unig berson sy'n gyfrifol yw'r lleidr ei hun, ond trwy gymryd cymaint o ragofalon â phosibl am ddiogelwch eich cartref, gallwch atal eich hun rhag dioddef y math hwn o drosedd. Ein 8 awgrym atal trosedd Nadolig:
1. Atal byrgleriaid drwy osod goleuadau a chloch drws clyfar neu gamera CCTV y tu allan i'ch cartref. | ||||
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