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Shoplifting / Codi Siopau



Hello Resident


The Merthyr Neighbourhood Policing Team is aware of the ongoing impact shoplifting has to local businesses and the surrounding communities they serve. Small businesses in particular may struggle to absorb these losses which can threaten their viability and lead to closures.


Shoplifting erodes trust and safety, creating an environment of insecurity and we would encourage you to continue reporting all incidents to us along with any information you feel is relevant to the investigation of these offences. 


Please be assured that your local Neighbourhood Policing Teams will continue to disrupt offenders in the Merthyr area, actioning the reports and information we receive.


Online: www.south-wales.police.uk

Email: swp101@south-wales.police.uk

Call: 101 (free) 

In an emergency always call 999.




Codi Siopau

Shwmae Resident


Mae Tîm Plismona Bro Merthyr yn ymwybodol o'r effaith barhaus y mae codi siopau yn ei chael ar fusnesau lleol a'r cymunedau cyfagos y maent yn eu gwasanaethu. Efallai y bydd busnesau bach yn arbennig yn ei chael hi'n anodd amsugno'r colledion hyn a all fygwth eu hyfywedd ac arwain at gau. 

Mae codi siopau yn erydu ymddiriedaeth a diogelwch, gan greu amgylchedd o ansicrwydd a byddem yn eich annog i barhau i riportio pob digwyddiad i ni ynghyd ag unrhyw wybodaeth rydych chi'n teimlo sy'n berthnasol i'r ymchwiliad i'r troseddau hyn. 

Byddwch yn dawel eich meddwl y bydd eich Timau Plismona Bro lleol yn parhau i amharu ar droseddwyr yn ardal Merthyr gan, weithredu'r adroddiadau a'r wybodaeth a gawn.

Ar-lein: www.south-wales.police.uk 

E-bost: swp101@south-wales.police.uk 

Ffoniwch: 101 (am ddim)

Mewn argyfwng ffoniwch 999 bob amser.



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Message Sent By
Andy Webber
(South Wales Police, NPSO - Neighbourhood Policing Support Officer, Merthyr - NPSO)

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