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Update | St Mellons murder investigation / Diweddariad | Ymchwiliad llofruddiaeth Llaneirwg

South Wales Police can confirm that a man has been charged with the murder of 43-year-old James Brogan from St Mellons.

Georgie Tannetta, 20 from Trowbridge has been charged with murder and being in possession of an offensive weapon.

James Brogan, died after he was discovered with serious injuries on Coleford Road in St Mellons at around 4pm on Tuesday November 12.

Detective Chief Inspector Lianne Rees from the Major Crime Investigation Team said: 

“We continue to investigate the matter and are appealing to any witnesses who were in the Heol Trostre and Coleford Drive areas of St Mellons at around 4pm on Tuesday November 12 to come forward with information no matter how insignificant they may feel it is. We are also asking anyone with mobile phone footage or CCTV to contact us please.” 


Information and footage can be provided online by using the following link: 


Gall Heddlu De Cymru gadarnhau bod dyn wedi’i gyhuddo o lofruddio James Brogan, 43 oed o Laneirwg.


Mae Georgie Tannetta, 20 o Trowbridge wedi’i chyhuddo o lofruddiaeth ac o fod ag arf ymosodol yn ei feddiant.


Bu farw James Brogan, ar ôl iddo gael ei ddarganfod ag anafiadau difrifol ar Ffordd Coleford yn Llaneirwg tua 4pm ddydd Mawrth Tachwedd 12.


Dywedodd y Ditectif Brif Arolygydd Lianne Rees o’r Tîm Ymchwilio i Droseddau Mawr:


“Rydym yn parhau i ymchwilio i’r mater ac yn apelio ar unrhyw dystion a oedd yn ardaloedd Heol Trostre a Coleford Drive yn Llaneirwg tua 4pm ddydd Mawrth 12 Tachwedd i gyflwyno gwybodaeth ni waeth pa mor ddi-nod y maent yn teimlo. Rydym hefyd yn gofyn i unrhyw un sydd â ffilm ffôn symudol neu deledu cylch cyfyng i gysylltu â ni os gwelwch yn dda.”


Gellir darparu gwybodaeth a ffilm ar-lein trwy ddefnyddio'r ddolen ganlynol:


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Message Sent By
Carly Hart
(South Wales Police, Neighbourhood Policing, Llanedeyrn | Llanishen | Rumney | St Mellons)

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