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E-bikes/scooters | E-feiciau/sgwteri

E-bikes / Scooters

Hello Resident


We are aware of concerns around the use of e-bikes and scooters in the Llanrumney area. We share concerns that someone could be hurt by these bikes, which are being ridden at high-speed, and also the noise which is damaging quality of life for residents.

Operations to tackle the illegal use of these bikes have taken place, with three recently seized in the Countisbury Avenue area. These operations which include both high-visibility and plain clothes patrols will continue.

With Christmas fast approaching and the increase in popularity of these scooters and bikes, there are growing safety concerns.
Please be aware of the law around e-scooters before purchasing as a Christmas present. It is against the law to use e-scooters in public places, including roads, pavements, and parks. E-scooters can only be ridden on private land, with the landowner’s permission.

We’re regularly asked questions around e-scooters such as "Can I ride an e-scooter on a public road?" and "I bought it from a reputable retailer so what's the issue?"
Please visit our website where our most common questions have been answered:
E-scooters and e-bikes: your questions answered | South Wales Police


E-feiciau / sgwteri

Shwmae Resident


Rydym yn ymwybodol o bryderon ynghylch y defnydd o e-feiciau a sgwteri yn ardal Llanrhymni. Rydym yn rhannu pryderon y gallai rhywun gael ei frifo gan y beiciau hyn, sy'n cael eu reidio ar gyflymder uchel, a hefyd y sŵn sy'n niweidio ansawdd bywyd trigolion.


Mae gweithrediadau i fynd i'r afael â'r defnydd anghyfreithlon o'r beiciau hyn wedi'u cynnal, gyda thri wedi'u hatafaelu'n ddiweddar yn ardal Countisbury Avenue. Bydd y gweithrediadau hyn sy'n cynnwys patrolau amlwg a dillad plaen yn parhau.


Gyda'r Nadolig yn prysur agosáu a'r cynnydd ym mhoblogrwydd y sgwteri a'r beiciau hyn, mae pryderon diogelwch cynyddol. Byddwch yn ymwybodol o'r gyfraith ynghylch e-sgwteri cyn prynu fel anrheg Nadolig. Mae yn erbyn y gyfraith i ddefnyddio e-sgwteri mewn mannau cyhoeddus, gan gynnwys ffyrdd, palmentydd, a pharciau. Dim ond ar dir preifat y gellir reidio e-sgwteri, gyda chaniatâd y tirfeddiannwr.


Gofynnir cwestiynau i ni yn rheolaidd am e-sgwteri fel "Alla i reidio e-sgwter ar ffordd gyhoeddus?" a "Fe'i prynais gan adwerthwr ag enw da, felly beth sy'n bod?"

Ewch i'n gwefan lle mae ein cwestiynau mwyaf cyffredin wedi'u hateb:

E-sgwteri ac e-feiciau: ateb eich cwestiynau | Heddlu De Cymru


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Message Sent By
Carly Hart
(South Wales Police, Neighbourhood Policing, Llanedeyrn | Llanishen | Rumney | St Mellons)

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