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Trading standards partnership work

On the 16th of October PC Coppin and I assisted Swansea Council Trading standards with a warrant at two Vape shops on Woodfield street.

This was off the back of recent intelligence submitted by ourselves and test purchasing carried out by Trading standards. 

Trading standards were accompanied by a couple of clever working dogs who identified hidden objects within the property. 

Hundreds of illegal vapes and illegal cigarettes were seized and a staff member was arrested.

The sale of illegal products and the sale to underage persons will not be tolerated. 

Thank you, PCSO 53916 Rastatter.


Ar Hydref 16 fe wnaeth PC Coppin a fi rhoi help llaw i staff safonau masnach cyngor Abertawe gyda gwarant yn dau siop fepio ar stryd Woodfield. 

Roedd hyn ar ol i ni rhoi gwybodaeth iddon a ar ol prawf prynu gan y staff safonau masnach. 

Daeth gyda nhw dwy ci medrus a oedd wedi darganfod eitemau wedi cyddio o fewn yr adeilad.

Darganfododd canoedd o feps anghyfreithlon a sigaret anghyfreithlon.  Gafodd aelod o staff y siop ei harestio.

Mae eitemau anghyfreithlon a gwerthu i pobl dan oed ddim yn cael ei goddef. 

Diolch, SCCH 53916 Rastatter.


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Message Sent By
Rebeca Rastatter
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Morriston / Eastside NPT - Cwmrhydyceirw / Ynystawe / Ynysforgan / Parc Gwernfadog)

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