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Positive Action / Gweithredu Cadarnhaol

Positive Action


Hello Resident


Thank you for responding to our survey.


We have been working hard in Porthcawl Town Centre giving advice and guidance to retail stores in preparation for Halloween.


Recently officers have visited retail stores in the town centre and engaged with staff to provide advice and guidance on the importance of being vigilant when selling eggs, flour and fireworks to youths during the spooky season of Halloween. 

While these items may be purchased for legitimate reasons, staff can refuse the sale of the items if they believe they will be used to anti-social behaviour. 


PCSO Davies will also be attending Porthcawl Library tomorrow (22/10/2024) on Church Place at 3pm to give Halloween safety advice and can discuss any local issues, provide information on crime prevention, tell you about some of our local initiatives.  These sessions are open to anyone and everyone. 


Thank you for your help. It is only by the police and the public working together that we can prevent and detect crime.

Do you need to speak to the police but don’t require an emergency response?

You can make an online report via our website https://www.south-wales.police.uk, send us a private message via Live Chat, or call 101. In an emergency always dial 999.


Gweithredu Cadarnhaol

Shwmae Resident


Rydym wedi bod yn gweithio'n galed yng nghanol tref Porthcawl gan roi cyngor ac arweiniad i siopau manwerthu i baratoi ar gyfer Calan Gaeaf.


Yn ddiweddar mae swyddogion wedi ymweld â siopau manwerthu yng nghanol y dref ac wedi ymgysylltu â staff i roi cyngor ac arweiniad ar bwysigrwydd bod yn wyliadwrus wrth werthu wyau, blawd a thân gwyllt i bobl ifanc yn ystod tymor arswydus Calan Gaeaf.

Er y gellir prynu'r eitemau hyn am resymau dilys, gall staff wrthod gwerthu'r eitemau os ydynt yn credu y byddant yn cael eu defnyddio i ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol.


Bydd SCCH Davies hefyd yn mynychu Llyfrgell Porthcawl yfory (22/10/2024) ar Church Place am 3pm i roi cyngor ar ddiogelwch Calan Gaeaf a gall drafod unrhyw faterion lleol, darparu gwybodaeth am atal troseddu, dweud wrthych am rai o'n mentrau lleol.  Mae'r sesiynau hyn yn agored i unrhyw un a phawb. 


Diolch am eich help. Dim ond gan yr heddlu a'r cyhoedd yn cydweithio y gallwn atal a chanfod trosedd.Oes angen i chi siarad â'r heddlu ond nid oes angen ymateb brys arnoch?

Gallwch roi gwybod am fater ar-lein drwy ein gwefan https://www.south-wales.police.uk, anfonwch neges breifat atom drwy Sgwrs Fyw, neu ffoniwch 101. Mewn argyfwng, ffoniwch 999 bob amser.

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Message Sent By
Connor Davies
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Porthcawl)

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