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Police Community Support Officer Recruitment / Swyddogion Cymorth Cymunedol Yr Heddlu Recriwtio

Police Community Support Officer Recruitment 


Hello Resident


Do you care about making a difference in the job you do? Then becoming a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) could be for you.

PCSOs are all about providing that vital link between the community and the police service to help make sure everyone has the support they need. Being a PCSO can be challenging, but it is also a role that includes variety, meaning and excitement.

You will be supporting frontline policing by undertaking tasks such as stopping speeding outside our schools, reporting vandalism or reducing anti-social behaviour – your work will make a real difference in keeping South Wales safe.

The person

As a PCSO you will be working in the heart of our communities providing a visible, accessible and approachable uniformed presence. It is essential that you will be able to demonstrate the following attributes:

  • Good communication skills: It is essential that you are able to listen to the needs and concerns of others
  • Ability to develop effective working relationships: As a PCSO you will need to be proactive in building trust and confidence with both colleagues and the community
  • Ability to work alone and as part of a team: Often your work as a PCSO will see you operating on your own, but it is important that you are able to effectively contribute to activities in the wider local community
  • If you are interested in applying, please click the following link:

    POLICE COMMUNITY SUPPORT OFFICERS (PCSO) Recruitment - Police Jobs Wales (tal.net) 

    South Wales Police recognises the importance and significance of having a diverse workforce to help enhance the capability and capacity of delivering a high-quality performance for our diverse communities.  To meet the Force’s ambition to be the to be the best at understanding and responding to our communities’ needs, our Positive Action Team is available to answer any queries and provide support to candidate from minority ethnic communities.

    For further information on the role, or if you wish to discuss Positive Action, please email PositiveAction@south-wales.police.uk

    Swyddogion Cymorth Cymunedol Yr Heddlu Recriwtio


    Shwmae Resident


    Ydych chi am wneud gwahaniaeth yn eich swydd? Gall rôl Swyddog Cymorth Cymunedol yr Heddlu (PCSO) fod i chi.

    Rôl Swyddog Cymorth Cymunedol yr Heddlu yw bod yn ddolen gyswllt hollbwysig rhwng y gymuned a'r heddlu er mwyn helpu i sicrhau bod pawb yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt. Gall rôl Swyddog Cymorth Cymunedol yr Heddlu fod yn heriol, ond mae hefyd yn cynnwys amrywiaeth, ystyr a chyffro.

    Byddwch yn cefnogi plismona rheng flaen trwy ymgymryd â thasgau fel stopio goryrru y tu allan i'n hysgolion, riportio fandaliaeth, neu leihau ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol – bydd eich gwaith yn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i gadw De Cymru'n ddiogel.

    Y person

    Fel PCSO, byddwch yn gweithio yng nghanol ein cymunedau gan ddarparu presenoldeb mewn lifrai sy'n weladwy, yn hygyrch ac yn hawdd mynd atoch. Mae'n hanfodol eich bod yn gallu dangos y rhinweddau canlynol:

  • Sgiliau cyfathrebu da: Mae'n hanfodol eich bod yn gallu gwrando ar anghenion a phryderon pobl eraill
  • Y gallu i feithrin cydberthnasau gwaith effeithiol: Fel PCSO, bydd angen i chi fynd ati'n rhagweithiol i feithrin ymddiriedaeth a hyder â chydweithwyr a'r gymuned
  • Y gallu i weithio'n annibynnol neu fel rhan o dîm: Yn aml, byddwch yn gweithio'n annibynnol fel rhan o'ch gwaith fel PCSO, ond mae'n bwysig eich bod yn gallu cyfrannu'n effeithiol at weithgareddau yn y gymuned leol ehangach
  • Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwneud cais, cliciwch y ddolen ganlynol:

    POLICE COMMUNITY SUPPORT OFFICERS (PCSO) Recruitment - Police Jobs Wales (tal.net)

    Mae Heddlu De Cymru yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd ac arwyddocâd cael gweithlu amrywiol er mwyn helpu i ehangu ein gallu a'n capasiti i gyflwyno perfformiad o ansawdd uchel i'n cymunedau amrywiol.  I gyrraedd uchelgais yr Heddlu o fod y gorau am ddeall ac ymateb i anghenion ein cymunedau, mae ein Tîm Gweithredu Cadarnhaol ar gael i ateb unrhyw ymholiadau ac i roi cymorth i unrhyw ymgeisydd o gymunedau ethnig lleiafrifol.

    I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y rôl, neu os hoffech drafod Gweithredu Cadarnhaol, anfonwch e-bost at PositiveAction@south-wales.police.uk

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    Sarah Lewis
    (South Wales Police, Administrator, South Wales)

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