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Partnership event / Digwyddiad partneriaeth



Porthcawl Community Connections Hub are holding their next event on Thursday 19th September at The Y Centre, John Street, Porthcawl between 12:30 and 2:30pm.


This is a drop-in event which offers support and advice from different organisations.


South Wales Police will be in attendance so why not come along and speak with your local PCSO's.


Please see the attached poster for more information.


Many thanks

PCSO Leighton Rees





Mae Hyb Cysylltiadau Cymunedol Porthcawl yn cynnal eu digwyddiad nesaf ddydd Iau 19eg Medi yn The Y Centre, John Street, Porthcawl rhwng 12:30 a 2:30pm.


Digwyddiad galw heibio yw hwn sy'n cynnig cymorth a chyngor gan wahanol sefydliadau.


Bydd Heddlu De Cymru yn bresennol felly beth am ddod draw i siarad â'ch PCSOs lleol.


Gweler y poster atodedig am ragor o wybodaeth.


Diolch yn fawr

SCCH Leighton Rees


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Message Sent By
Leighton Rees
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Porthcawl East)

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