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Police and Crime Plan Survey / Ymgynghoriad Ar Gynllun Yr Heddlu A Throseddu


Hello Resident


What matters to you? Local policing? Tackling ASB? Supporting victims?


Police and Crime Commissioner, Emma Wools, has launched her Police and Crime Plan consultation. Take part in the Commissioner's survey and have your say on policing and justice in South Wales - https://bit.ly/4cOcvHz


As an elected official, it is the duty of the Police and Crime Commissioner to listen to public concerns, set local policing priorities, and develop a police and crime plan to support the police in providing the best possible public service. The policing priorities within the plan are designed with the use of direct feedback from members of the South Wales public. This ensures policing reflects the needs and views of local people, victims, and communities.


Don’t miss your chance to have your say. The consultation will last from 5th August until 4th October.


Visit our website to find out more - https://bit.ly/4dQCdvS


Shwmae Resident


Beth sy'n bwysig i chi? Plismona lleol? Mynd i'r afael ag ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol? Cymorth i ddioddefwyr? 


Mae Comisiynydd yr Heddlu a Throseddu, Emma Wools, wedi lansio ymgynghoriad ar Gynllun yr Heddlu a Throseddu. Cwblhewch arolwg y Comisiynydd i leisio eich barn ar plismona a chyfiawnder yn Ne Cymruhttps://bit.ly/4dPRPj3


Fel swyddog etholedig, mae dyletswydd arni fel Comisiynydd yr Heddlu a Throseddu i wrando ar bryderon y cyhoedd, i osod blaenoriaethau plismona lleol, ac i ddatblygu cynllun heddlu a throseddu i gefnogi’r heddlu i ddarparu’r gwasanaeth cyhoeddus gorau posibl. Caiff blaenoriaethau plismona’r cynllun eu dylunio gan ddefnyddio adborth uniongyrchol gan aelodau o’r cyhoedd yn Ne Cymru. Mae hyn yn sicrhau bod plismona’n adlewyrchu anghenion a safbwyntiau pobl leol, dioddefwyr, a chymunedau lleol.


Peidiwch â cholli eich cyfle i leisio’ch barn. Bydd yr ymgynghoriad ar agor rhwng 5 Awst a 4 Hydref.


Ewch i'n gwefan i gael rhagor o wybodaethhttps://bit.ly/4dwnHte

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Sarah Lewis
(South Wales Police, Administrator, South Wales)

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