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Road safety #OpArabis / Diogelwch y Ffyrdd #YmgyrchArabis

Road safety #OpArabis




Hi Resident


#OpArabis | Last week, in partnership with the British Horse Society, a three-day road safety operation led by the South Wales Police mounted section, with help from the Roads Policing Unit and Neighbourhood Policing Teams was conducted to educate road users who fall below the required standard when passing a horse on the road.

All of our road users should feel safe on our roads but are sometimes not, due to actions of dangerous and careless driving. 


Reporting factual data really can make a different to equine safety, but evidence is needed to show there is an issue. The British Horse Society can identify hotspots if you report all types of equine incidents. 


If you have captured a driving offence on video, you can report it to us via our partners at #GoSafe using #OperationSnap.






Diogelwch y Ffyrdd #YmgyrchArabis


Shwmae Resident


#YmgyrchArabis | Yr wythnos diwethaf, mewn partneriaeth â Chymdeithas Ceffylau Prydain, cynhaliwyd ymgyrch diogelwch ar y ffyrdd dros gyfnod o dridiau dan arweiniad adran geffylau Heddlu De Cymru, gyda chymorth gan Uned Plismona'r Ffyrdd a Thimau Plismona yn y Gymdogaeth er mwyn addysgu defnyddwyr ffyrdd nad ydynt yn bodloni'r safon ofynnol wrth basio ceffyl ar y ffordd.

Dylai pawb sy'n defnyddio ein ffyrdd deimlo'n ddiogel ond nid dyma'r achos bob amser oherwydd gweithredoedd gyrru peryglus a diofal. 


Gall cyflwyno data ffeithiol wneud gwahaniaeth i ddiogelwch ceffylau, ond mae angen tystiolaeth i ddangos bod problem. Gall Cymdeithas Ceffylau Prydain nodi mannau problemus os byddwch yn rhoi gwybod am bob math o ddigwyddiadau'n ymwneud â cheffylau. 


Os oes gennych fideo o drosedd gyrru, gallwch ei gyflwyno i ni drwy ein partneriaid yn #GanBwyll drwy ddefnyddio #YmgyrchSnap.








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Sarah Lewis
(South Wales Police, Administrator, South Wales)

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