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Options Exercise / Ymarfer Opsiynau

Options Exercise


Hello Resident


We are working hard to tackle road traffic offences in the Rhondda.


Over the last month, your local Neighbourhood Team have worked in partnership with South Wales Fire and Rescue to provide road safety awareness sessions to those found not to be wearing seatbelts or other road traffic offences.


66 people were stopped and received education for not wearing a seatbelt, 3 verbal warning for a mobile phone offence, 1 verbal warning for not being in proper control and 1 tinted window offence.


Thank you for your help. It is only by the police and the public working together that we can prevent and detect crime.

Do you need to speak to the police but don’t require an emergency response?

You can make an online report via our website https://www.south-wales.police.uk, send us a private message via Live Chat, or call 101. In an emergency always dial 999.


Ymarfer Opsiynau

Shwmae Resident


Rydym yn gweithio'n galed i fynd i'r afael â troseddau traffig ffyrdd yn y Rhondda.


Dros y mis diwethaf, mae eich Tîm Cymdogaeth lleol wedi gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub De Cymru i ddarparu sesiynau ymwybyddiaeth o ddiogelwch ar y ffyrdd i'r rhai nad ydynt yn gwisgo gwregysau diogelwch neu droseddau traffig ffyrdd eraill.


Cafodd 66 o bobl eu stopio a chael addysg am beidio â gwisgo gwregys diogelwch, 3 rhybudd llafar am drosedd ffôn symudol, 1 rhybudd llafar am beidio â bod mewn rheolaeth briodol ac 1 trosedd ffenestr arlliw.


Diolch am eich help. Dim ond wrth i'r heddlu a'r cyhoedd cydweithio y gallwn atal a chanfod troseddau.

Oes angen i chi siarad â'r heddlu ond nid oes angen ymateb brys arnoch?

Gallwch roi gwybod am fater ar-lein drwy ein gwefan https://www.south-wales.police.uk, anfonwch neges breifat atom drwy Sgwrs Fyw, neu ffoniwch 101. Mewn argyfwng, ffoniwch 999 bob amser.


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Message Sent By
Cerys Morgan
(South Wales Police, Neighbourhood Policing Support Officer, Rhondda)

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