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Rhydypandy road - Speed limit update / Heol Rhydypandy - gwybodaeth terfyn cyflymder

We were recently made aware by Councillor Mark Tribe of speeding concerns raised by the residents living on Rhydypandy road near to where it joins Mynydd Gelli Wastad road.
I have attended the location to take a look at what signage is in place and to familiarise myself with what the speed limit is on this stretch. 
I noted that there are no speed related signage as you enter Rhydypandy road from Mynydd Gelli Wastad road and you would therefore assume that the speed limit is a continuation of the 20mph of the adjoining and surrounding roads.
I noted that as you pass the stretch of houses there are national speed limit signs.  On the back of these signs are 30mph for the attention of drivers coming from the direction of the Masons arms public house.
I photographed these signs as they were very obscured by overgrowth and were quite tilted.
I made contact with Swansea Council to enquire what exactly is the speed limit on this stretch, 20 or 30mph?
I also sent them the photographs and asked that the overgrowth is cut back and the signage repaired / re-positioned.

I recently received correspondence from Matthew Bowen, Traffic technician - Swansea Council Highways Transportation & Traffic Management. 
A site visit was arranged and the signage noted.
Mr Bowen has advised me that the retention of the 30mph sign was an oversight and would be replaced with 20mph signage asap.  He also confirmed that this stretch is 20mph.  He will also arrange for the overgrowth to be cut back. 
Once the signage has been rectified PCSO Foote and I can attend the location to carry out ad-hoc speed scoping exercises.

Ysgrifennodd Cynghorydd Mark Tribe atom yn ddiweddar i codi pryder am cerbydau yn goryrru ar Heol Rhydypandy tuag at Heol Mynydd Gelli Wastad.
Es i i’r ardal i edrych ar y arwyddion terfyn cyflymder.
Gwelais oedd dim arwyddion tuag at gwaelod yr heol yn agos i Heol Mynydd Gelli Wastad felli fyddwch yn tybio taw parhad o terfyn cyflymder 20mya yw hi.   Pan ewch heibio’r tai mae yna arwyddion terfyn cyflymder cenedleuthol ac ar yr ochor arall yn gwynebu’r tai mae arwyddion terfyn cyflymder 30mya. Mae’r arwyddion wedi’i troi ychydig ac o dan cangennu a dail. 
Wnes i cymryd lluniau or arwyddion. 
Anfonais e-bost i Cyngor Abertawe i trafod yr arwyddion a hylais y lluniau.  Gofynnais beth yn union yw y yerfyn cyflymder, 20mya neu 30mya?

Gefais ateb gan Matthew Bowen, Technegydd traffig – Trafnidiaeth priffyrdd / Rheoli traffig.   Dywedodd Mr Bowen dylse’r arwyddion 30mya wedi’i newid i 20mya a fydd e’n trefnu ei cywirio mor gynted a phosib a trefnu torri nol y brigau.
Unwaith fydd yr arwyddion newydd yn ei lle gall SCCH Foote a fi gwneud gweithredau cyflymder. 

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Message Sent By
Rebeca Rastatter
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Morriston / Eastside NPT - Cwmrhydyceirw / Ynystawe / Ynysforgan / Parc Gwernfadog)

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