The Police
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Crime prevention message / Neges atal troseddau

Neges Ddwyieithog / Bilingual Message.      


Please note we have identified a rise in …Motorbike thefts in Taibach area. 

Please refer to our website for crime prevention advice : Crime prevention advice | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk)


Please keep your bike safe and locked up to prevent anyone from carrying out this theft. Any suspicious activity please ring it in to 101/999. 


CCTV & H2H enquires are ongoing. Bikes have been located, Investigations are still going ahead to catch the suspect. 


Any information you may have please reply back to this message. 


Diolch, PCSO Beth.  

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Message Sent By
Bethan Davies
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Sandfields)

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