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You said, We did / Wnaethoch chi ddweud, Mi wnaethom ni

Hi Resident


Break the law, expect to hear the saw…

This morning officers forced entry to an address on Llanon Road, Llanishen following information received around involvement in the supply of drugs. Numerous persons were detained and searched within the address; A man has been arrested for possession with intent to supply Class B drugs and remains in custody. During the search, cannabis with an estimated street value of £4000-£5000 and drug supply paraphernalia was recovered. A machete, 2 swords and a suron bike were also seized.


We will not tolerate this type of behaviour in the area, and we will target those individuals who carry out this type of illegal activity. Cannabis supply/use can often be viewed as a victimless crime, however it's not - Organised crime groups are often behind many of the cannabis factories that harvest the drug and whatever your viewpoint, can cause real harm to our communities and fund further criminality.

As the eyes & ears of the community, please continue to provide any information you have to share and we will continue to compile and act on the information we receive.

Thank you for your help. It is only by the police and the public working together that we can prevent and detect crime.


🗪 Live Chat https://www.south-wales.police.uk/

💻 Contact us online https://bit.ly/SWPProvideInfo
📞 Crimestoppers anonymously 0800 555 111.
Always 999 in an emergency.


Shwmae Resident


Torri'r gyfraith, disgwyl clywed y llif...

Y bore yma bu’n rhaid i swyddogion fynd i mewn i gyfeiriad ar Ffordd Llanon, Llanisien yn dilyn gwybodaeth a dderbyniwyd am ymwneud â chyflenwi cyffuriau. Cadwyd a chwiliwyd nifer o bersonau o fewn y cyfeiriad; Mae dyn wedi’i arestio am feddiant gyda’r bwriad o gyflenwi cyffuriau Dosbarth B ac mae’n parhau yn y ddalfa. Yn ystod y chwiliad, daethpwyd o hyd i ganabis gyda gwerth stryd amcangyfrifedig o £4000-£5000 a pharaffernalia cyflenwi cyffuriau. Atafaelwyd machete, 2 gleddyf a beic suron hefyd.


Ni fyddwn yn goddef y math hwn o ymddygiad yn yr ardal, a byddwn yn targedu’r unigolion hynny sy’n cyflawni’r math hwn o weithgarwch anghyfreithlon. Yn aml, gellir ystyried cyflenwi/defnyddio canabis yn drosedd heb ddioddefwyr, ond nid yw hynny'n wir - Yn aml mae grwpiau troseddu trefniadol y tu ôl i lawer o'r ffatrïoedd canabis sy'n cynaeafu'r cyffur a beth bynnag fo'ch safbwynt, gallant achosi niwed gwirioneddol i'n cymunedau ac ariannu troseddoldeb pellach. 2


Fel llygaid a chlustiau'r gymuned, parhewch i ddarparu unrhyw wybodaeth sydd gennych i'w rhannu a byddwn yn parhau i gasglu a gweithredu ar y wybodaeth a gawn.

Diolch am eich help. Dim ond trwy gydweithio rhwng yr heddlu a’r cyhoedd y gallwn atal a chanfod trosedd.


🗪 Sgwrs Fyw https://www.south-wales.police.uk/

💻 Cysylltwch â ni ar-lein https://bit.ly/SWPProvideInfo

📞 Taclo’r Tacle yn ddienw 0800 555 111.

999 mewn argyfwng bob amser.

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Message Sent By
Carly Hart
(South Wales Police, Neighbourhood Policing, Llanedeyrn | Llanishen | Rumney | St Mellons)

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