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Partnership visit with Swansea Council Highways dept

Local residents expressed concerns to Swansea Council Highways dept yesterday regarding a dangerous vehicle on the public highway, namely Rhodfa Fadog in Parc Gwernfadog.
The vehicle was on the pavement with all four wheels removed. The large vehicle was balancing on 4 small stands.
This was very precarious and especially dangerous should the passing school children become intrigued and had taken a closer look.  It was also very dangerous for the male working on the vehicle. 
The Swansea Council Highways officer attended the location promptly in company with local PCSO, PCSO Rastatter so that the issue could be addressed.
The owner of the vehicle was located and advised of the dangers that he was putting both himself and members of the public in.   He was also advised that it was not an appropriate location to carry out such a major job and that there is potential for the pavement to be damaged or stained with oil, rust, etc…
The male asked to make the vehicle safe and did so promptly. 
We will be monitoring the situation.
This is an example of how our role is not just dealing with crime.  We often work with partner agencies to address issues together.


Mae preswylwyr lleol wedi codi pryderon gyda adran priffyrdd Cyngor Abertawe am car sydd wedi parcio ar y palmant ar Rhodfa Fadog, Parc Gwernfadog. 
Roedd pob olwyn y car wedi'i tynnu ac oedd y car yn cydbwyso ar pedwar stondin bach. 

Roedd hyn yn dangerus iawn yn enwedig fod plant ysgolion lleol yn cerdded pasio.  Roedd yn dangerus hefyd i'r dyn a oedd yn gweithio arno. 

Aeth Swyddog priffordd y Cyngor gyda SCCH yr Heddlu lleol ~ PCSO Rastatter i edrych ar y car a siarad gyda'r dyn.

Siaradon am y peryglion am ei hunan ac am pobl yn y gymuned. 

Mae gwneud gwaith mor dwys ar car ddim yn addas ar palmant cyhoeddus.  Gall yr olew a rhwd niweidio'r palmant.

Dywedon i'r dyn rhoi yn olwynion nol arno i wneud y sefyllfa yn saff. 

Mae rol yr heddlu dim yn delio gyda troseddu yn unig.  Rydyn yn aml yn gweithio gyda partneriaid i cyfeirio. 

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Message Sent By
Rebeca Rastatter
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Morriston / Eastside NPT - Cwmrhydyceirw / Ynystawe / Ynysforgan / Parc Gwernfadog)

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