The Police
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Cuppa with a copper / Paned gyda'ch plismon

Your local neighbourhood policing team will be at 

Talbot Community Centre - Mondays  10-11am

Pyle Library - Tuesdays between 4-5pm 

Come along and meet us. We can discuss any local issues, provide information on crime prevention, tell you about some of our local initiatives.  These sessions are open to anyone and everyone. 

Hopefully we will see you there!


Bydd eich tîm plismona cymdogaeth lleol yn bresennol yn 

Talbot Community Centre  Dydd llun 10-11am

Pyle Libs ar Dydd Mawrth rhwng 4-5pm

Dewch i gwrdd â ni. Gallwn drafod unrhyw faterion lleol, darparu gwybodaeth am atal troseddu, dweud wrthych am rai o'n mentrau lleol.  Mae'r sesiynau hyn yn agored i unrhyw un a phawb.

Gobeithio y gwelwn ni chi yno!

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Message Sent By
Joanne Robey
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Pyle NPT T2)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials