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Positive Action / Gweithredu Cadarnhaol

Hi Resident


A male has been arrested after 12 large cannisters of NOS were recovered from an address in Trowbridge. The individual has been arrested for Possession with intent to supply (PWITS) Nitrous Oxide.


More commonly known as laughing gas, nos, or chargers, Nitrous Oxide is sold in small silver canisters which are regularly found discarded in parks and open spaces. It has several legitimate uses but when inhaled can cause unconsciousness or death due to a lack of oxygen. The illegal sale of NOS not only has health implications but also has associated anti-social behaviour and criminality.


It is illegal, in England and Wales, for anyone to sell nitrous oxide to people under-18, if they think they are likely to be inhaling it. Mixing alcohol with nitrous oxide can be fatal.


We are working hard to tackle drug dealing / use and the issues that accompany this behaviour (anti-social behaviour / violent crime) in the area. Please use the below reporting tools if you have information to share:

🗪 Live Chat https://www.south-wales.police.uk/
💻 Report online https://www.south-wales.police.uk/ro/report
📧 Email swp101@south-wales.police.uk
📞 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Always call 999 in an emergency.



Shwmae Resident


Mae dyn wedi cael ei arestio ar ôl i 12 canister mawr o NOS gael eu darganfod o gyfeiriad yn Trowbridge. Mae’r unigolyn wedi’i arestio am Feddu ar Ocsid Nitraidd gyda’r bwriad o gyflenwi (PWITS).


Mae Nitrous Oxide yn cael ei alw’n fwy cyffredin fel nwy chwerthin, nos, neu wefrwyr, ac mae’n cael ei werthu mewn tuniau arian bach sydd i’w cael yn rheolaidd yn cael eu taflu mewn parciau a mannau agored. Mae ganddo sawl defnydd cyfreithlon ond pan gaiff ei anadlu gall achosi anymwybyddiaeth neu farwolaeth oherwydd diffyg ocsigen. Mae gwerthu NOS yn anghyfreithlon nid yn unig â goblygiadau iechyd ond mae hefyd yn gysylltiedig ag ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol a throseddoldeb.


Mae’n anghyfreithlon, yng Nghymru a Lloegr, i unrhyw un werthu ocsid nitraidd i bobl o dan 18 oed, os ydynt yn meddwl eu bod yn debygol o fod yn ei fewnanadlu. Gall cymysgu alcohol ag ocsid nitraidd fod yn angheuol.


Rydym yn gweithio'n galed i fynd i'r afael â delio / defnyddio cyffuriau a'r materion sy'n cyd-fynd â'r ymddygiad hwn (ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol / trosedd treisgar) yn yr ardal. Defnyddiwch yr offer adrodd isod os oes gennych chi wybodaeth i'w rhannu:


🗪 Sgwrs Fyw https://www.south-wales.police.uk/cy-GB/
💻 Cysylltwch â ni drwy https://www.south-wales.police.uk/cy-GB/cysylltu-a-ni/af/ffurflenni-cysylltu-a-ni/darparu-mwy-o-wybodaeth-iw-hychwanegu-at-adroddiad-trosedd/
📧 E-bost swp101@south-wales.police.uk
📞 101 neu Crimestoppers yn ddienw ar 0800 555 111.
Ffoniwch 999 bob amser mewn argyfwng.

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Message Sent By
Carly Hart
(South Wales Police, Neighbourhood Policing, Llanedeyrn | Llanishen | Rumney | St Mellons)

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