The Police
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Mobile Surgery / Cymhorthfa Symudol



Shwmae Resident


Galwch heibio i siarad â swyddogion yn yr orsaf heddlu symudol yn (CYMMER POLICE STATION ) ar (18TH JUNE) am 4PM TO 7PM


Bydd swyddogion o Heddlu De Cymru wrth law i wrando ar unrhyw bryderon a chynnig cyngor ar atal troseddau.


Mae croeso i bawb a byddai'n wych eich gweld chi yno.


Hi Resident


Drop in to speak to officers at the police station at Cymmer Police Station on 18th June at 4pm to 7pm.


Officers from South Wales Police will be on hand to listen to any concerns and to offer crime prevention advice.


Everyone is welcome and it would be great to see you there.


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Message Sent By
Neil Jones
(Npt, Pcso, Afan Valley Port Talbot)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials