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PACT Meeting / Cyfarfod

Hi Resident


Your next PACT meetings will be taking place on the following dates:


πŸ“… Tuesday 16th July 2024
πŸ“  Thornhill Church, Excalibur Drive
πŸ•– 7pm



πŸ“… Thursday 18th July 2024
πŸ“  The Old School, Llwyn-y-Pia Road
πŸ•– 1:30pm


These meetings give you the opportunity to raise any concerns and to find out what the police are doing to tackle the issues that matter to you.


Everyone is welcome and it would be great to see you there.



Shwmae Resident


Bydd eich cyfarfodydd PACT nesaf yn cael eu cynnal ar y dyddiadau canlynol:



πŸ“… Dydd Mawrth 16 Gorffennaf 2024

πŸ“ Eglwys Thornhill, Excalibur Drive

πŸ•– 7pm



πŸ“… Dydd Iau 18fed Gorffennaf 2024

πŸ“ Yr Hen Ysgol, Ffordd Llwyn-y-Pia

πŸ•– 1:30pm


Mae’r cyfarfodydd hyn yn rhoi’r cyfle i chi godi unrhyw bryderon ac i ddarganfod beth mae’r heddlu’n ei wneud i fynd i’r afael Ò’r materion sy’n bwysig i chi.


Mae croeso i bawb a byddai'n wych eich gweld chi yno.

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