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Cannabis factory gardener jailed / Garddwr ffatri canabis yn cael ei garcharu

Remember our message back in March following the discovery of a sophisticated cannabis factory in Penylan? (Cannabis factory located & dismantled – March 2024)


Neighbourhood officers located the cannabis grow at a "vacant" property on Sandringham Road, 674 plants were seized from the address and a man arrested for cultivation of cannabis and abstracting electricity.


Markelian Koxhaj (27yrs) has since pleaded guilty to cannabis production and abstracting electricity without authority and sentenced to 20 months imprisonment. The now dismantled and destroyed cannabis factory has been valued at the higher level between £148,000 and £444,840!


This address was highlighted to us after receiving information from you, the local community. Please continue to provide any information you have to share and we will continue to compile and act on the information we receive.


Thank you for your help. It is only by the police and the public working together that we can prevent and detect crime.


🗪 Live Chat https://www.south-wales.police.uk/
💻 Report online https://www.south-wales.police.uk/ro/report
📧 Email swp101@south-wales.police.uk
📞 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Always call 999 in an emergency.


Cofiwch ein neges nôl ym mis Mawrth yn dilyn darganfod ffatri ganabis soffistigedig ym Penylan? (Ffatri canabis wedi'i lleoli a'i datgymalu - Mawrth 2024)


Daeth swyddogion y gymdogaeth o hyd i’r tyfiant canabis mewn eiddo “gwag” ar Sandringham Road, atafaelwyd 674 o blanhigion o’r cyfeiriad ac arestiwyd dyn am dyfu canabis a thynnu trydan.


Ers hynny mae Markelian Koxhaj (27 oed) wedi pledio’n euog i gynhyrchu canabis a thynnu trydan heb awdurdod ac wedi’i ddedfrydu i 20 mis o garchar. Mae’r ffatri ganabis sydd bellach wedi’i datgymalu a’i dinistrio wedi’i phrisio ar y lefel uwch rhwng £148,000 a £444,840!


Amlygwyd y cyfeiriad hwn i ni ar ôl derbyn gwybodaeth gennych chi, y gymuned leol. Parhewch i ddarparu unrhyw wybodaeth sydd gennych i'w rhannu a byddwn yn parhau i gasglu a gweithredu ar y wybodaeth a gawn.


Diolch am eich help. Dim ond trwy gydweithio rhwng yr heddlu a’r cyhoedd y gallwn atal a chanfod trosedd.


🗪 Sgwrs Fyw https://www.south-wales.police.uk/cy-GB/
💻 Cysylltwch â ni drwy https://www.south-wales.police.uk/cy-GB/cysylltu-a-ni/af/ffurflenni-cysylltu-a-ni/darparu-mwy-o-wybodaeth-iw-hychwanegu-at-adroddiad-trosedd/
📧 E-bost swp101@south-wales.police.uk
📞 101 neu Crimestoppers yn ddienw ar 0800 555 111.
Ffoniwch 999 bob amser mewn argyfwng.

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Message Sent By
Carly Hart
(South Wales Police, Neighbourhood Policing, Llanedeyrn | Llanishen | Rumney | St Mellons)

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