The Police
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Crime prevention message / Neges atal troseddau

Neges Ddwyieithog / Bilingual Message.      


Please note we have identified a rise in attempted break-ins on Gors Avenue.

Although this is in regards to Gors Avenue, we urge all other areas to be vigilant and ensure that all vehicles and premises are secure.

Please refer to our website for crime prevention advice : Crime prevention advice | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk)


Sylwch ein bod wedi nodi cynnydd mewn ymgais i dorri i mewn ar Gors Avenue. Er bod hyn yn ymwneud â Gors Avenue, rydym yn annog pob ardal arall i fod yn wyliadwrus a sicrhau bod pob cerbyd ac eiddo yn ddiogel.

Cyfeiriwch at ein gwefan am gyngor atal troseddau : Cyngor atal troseddau | Heddlu De Cymru (south-wales.police.uk)



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Message Sent By
Bethany Langshaw
(South Wales Police, PCSO, townhill/gower)

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