The Police
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Positive Action / Gweithredu Cadarnhaol

Hi Resident


Thank you for responding to our survey.


Recently officers have arrested a suspect from the Roath area of Cardiff.


On Friday 7th June, arrest enquiries where and a male suspect was arrested. The suspect has now been charged for multiple offences including within Roath & Cathays-


  • Burglary 
  • Theft from vehicles X4
  • Theft of a vehicle.
  • Driving with not licence.
  • Driving with no insurance.
  • Driving without due care.

    Got something you need to report? > Report | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk)


    Thank you for your help. It is only by the police and the public working together that we can prevent and detect crime.



    Shwmae Resident


    Diolch am ymateb i'n harolwg. 


    Yn ddiweddar mae swyddogion wedi arestio rhywun dan amheuaeth o ardal y Rhath yng Nghaerdydd.


    Ddydd Gwener 7 Mehefin, cafodd ymholiadau arestio ble a dyn a ddrwgdybir ei arestio. Mae'r person dan amheuaeth bellach wedi cael ei gyhuddo am sawl trosedd gan gynnwys o fewn y Rhath a Cathays-


  • Bwrgleriaeth
  • Dwyn oddi ar gerbydau X4
  • Dwyn car.
  • Gyrru heb drwydded.
  • Gyrru heb yswiriant.
  • Gyrru heb ofal dyledus.

    A oes angen i chi roi gwybod am unrhyw beth? > Report | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk)

    Diolch am eich help. Dim ond gan yr heddlu a'r cyhoedd yn cydweithio y gallwn atal a chanfod trosedd.





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