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Ball game concerns

Dear Resident

We are still receiving the occasional report regarding anti-social behaviour from youths playing football/ball games in the road. Whilst we have previously sent out awareness letters to the areas of the estate most affected by this, there are some areas that are still having some issues. With summer just around the corner we would like all residents to consider the below. 

Whilst playing in the street is not necessarily anti-social behaviour, and we are happy to see so many of the children out playing and engaging when we are out on patrol, some of the recent issues have been more about concerns for people’s property being damaged, the use of foul language and the time of day this happening. We have also seen CCTV footage that would support that some of these reports. 


We do not want to stop children playing in the street so we are asking all the parents that have children playing in the area to have a chat with their children, particularly those with children aged 10-15 years old, to remind them to be considerate to other residents and their property, some of which are elderly, vulnerable, working from home or have little ones of their own. We ask that you consider having a reasonable time for ball games to end in the evenings. We believe parents should know what a reasonable time to end ball games and shouting in the street should be so we will not be giving a specific time. 

Going forward we will look at reports on a case by case basis and if there is evidence to support anti-social behaviour we will look to take action if necessary. 

Also, to put parents minds at ease, the recent concerns that have been raised to South Wales Police have not suggested any of the children’s general behaviour has been rude, aggressive or intimidating which is good to hear. As previously stated it is only to do with excessive noise from shouting, ball games too late in the evenings and concerns property is being damaged which includes plants, cars, windows and doors being hit with balls. 

If residents have any queries please contact your local Neighbourhood PCSOs Jen, Gary and Richard. Please feel free to share this information with the Maes y Deri community. 

Kind regards

Fairwater Neighbourhood Policing Team

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Richard Davies
(Police, PCSO, Fairwater)

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