The Police
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Bike Marking Event / Digwyddiad Marcio Beic



Shwmae Resident


Mae Heddlu De Cymru yn cynnal digwyddiad marcio beiciau yn (Whitchurch Library, 31/05/2024, 14:00 - 16:00)


Trwy farcio eich beic, rydych chi'n amddiffyn eich hun rhag lladron, ac yn ei gwneud hi'n haws i chi adnabod a dychwelyd eich eiddo pe bai'n cael ei ddwyn.

Dewch ag unrhyw feiciau yr hoffech iddynt gael eu marcio. Byddwch yn gallu gofyn i'r Swyddogion am atal trosedd ar gyfer eich eiddo tra byddant yn marcio eich cit.


Hi Resident


South Wales Police are hosting a bike marking event at (Whitchurch Library, 31/05/2024, 14:00 - 16:00)


By marking your bike, you are protecting yourself against thieves, and making it easier for your property to be identified and returned should it be stolen.

Please bring along any bikes, that you would like to be marked. You will be able to ask the Officers about crime prevention for your property whilst they mark your kit.


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Message Sent By
Neil Park
(Police, PCSO, Fairwater - Whitchurch & Tongwynlais)

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