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Community engagement / Ymgysylltu cymunedol

Hi Resident


PCSO Rees attended Newton Primary School this afternoon and held a discussion with year 6 pupils in regards to #NotTheOne knife crime campaign. The aim of the session was to educate young people on the dangers and consequences of carrying a knife, the knock-on effects of knife crime and how it impacts family and friends and how situations can quickly escalate out of control.


If you have concerns about knife crime then please report it to the Police or alternatively you can report concerns completely anonymously via Fearless via www.fearless.org


Many thanks


PCSO Leighton Rees





Mynychodd SCCH Rees Ysgol Gynradd y Drenewydd y prynhawn yma a chynnal trafodaeth gyda disgyblion blwyddyn 6 ar ymgyrch troseddau cyllyll #NotTheOne. Nod y sesiwn oedd addysgu pobl ifanc am beryglon a chanlyniadau cario cyllell, sgil-effeithiau troseddau cyllyll a sut mae'n effeithio ar deulu a ffrindiau a sut y gall sefyllfaoedd waethygu'n gyflym allan o reolaeth.


Os oes gennych bryderon am droseddau cyllyll yna rhowch wybod i’r Heddlu neu fel arall gallwch riportio pryderon yn gwbl ddienw drwy Fearless drwy www.fearless.org


Diolch yn fawr


SCCH Leighton Rees



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Message Sent By
Leighton Rees
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Porthcawl East)

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