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Crime prevention message / Neges atal troseddau

Crime Prevention Message.      


Please note we have identified a rise in vehicle interference in Aberdare.


Take action to protect your car and help prevent becoming a victim of crime. 


Theft of and damage to vehicles and theft of belongings from vehicles can be frustrating and expensive for victims. Most vehicle crime is opportunistic so by following some simple steps, you can help prevent it from happening to you.


On leaving you car:

  • Lock doors, windows, the boot and sunroof every time you leave your car, however briefly
  • Don't leave bags, coats, or loose change on display 
  • Take audio and satellite navigation equipment with you
  • Fold in wing mirrors to prevent damage or vandalism 
  • Parking:

  • Keep your car in a garage if possible and lock both the car and garage
  • Park in safe, well-lit areas, and use secure car parks 
  • Keep your car keys in a safe place at home, away from windows and doors, preferably in a locked cupboard or cabinet 
  • Extra precautions: 

  • If your car doesn't have an alarm, get one fitted and use it each time you leave the vehicle
  • Secure expensive alloy wheels using locking wheel nuts
  • Secure number plates with anti-tamper screws or purchase theft resistant number plates
  • Never leave driving documents or personal letters in your car
  • Register your contents on the national property database www.immobilise.com 
  • If you see anyone acting suspiciously around a vehicle please report it to South Wales Police straight away

    If you witness a car being broken into or vandalised, or you are a victim of car crime, please report it.


    Please refer to our website for crime prevention advice : Crime prevention advice | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk)


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