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Officer Drop In Session / Sesiwn Galw Heibio Gyda Swyddogion

Hi Resident


We had a fantastic public drop-in session today at Mumbles M&S from 3pm till 4.30pm. 


Officers from South Wales Police were on hand to listen to any concerns and to offer crime prevention advice. From SW Listens to Young Voices, your community gave us positive feedback. 


Thank You on behalf of South Wales Police. 


Helo Resident


Cawsom sesiwn galw heibio wych i'r cyhoedd heddiw yn M&S y Mwmbwls rhwng 3pm a 4.30pm. 

Roedd swyddogion o Heddlu De Cymru wrth law i wrando ar unrhyw bryderon ac i gynnig cyngor atal troseddu. O SW Listens to Young Voices, rhoddodd eich cymuned adborth cadarnhaol inni.

Diolch ar ran Heddlu De Cymru. 

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