The Police
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Tell us what you think / Dywedwch beth chi'n meddwl

Hi Resident


South Wales Police is committed to being the best at understanding the needs of our communities. Please take 5 minutes to complete this short survey. Your responses will help us understand what, if any, barriers there are to joining our organisation.




If you would like to find out more about careers in South Wales Police, please access our careers webpages on Careers | South Wales Police | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk) or you can contact our Positive Action Team on PositiveAction@south-wales.police.uk, who will be able to support you in any queries you may have.


Can you please complete the survey by 31 March 2024.


Thank you



Shwmae Resident


Mae Heddlu De Cymru yn ymrwymo i sicrhau mai ni yw'r gorau am ddeall anghenion ein cymunedau. Cymerwch 5 munud i gwblhau'r arolwg byr hwn. Bydd eich ymatebion yn ein helpu i ddeall beth yw'r rhwystrau i ymuno â'n sefydliad, os oes yna rwystrau.




Os hoffech ddysgu mwy am yrfaoedd yn Heddlu De Cymru, ewch i'n tudalennau gyrfaoedd ar y we ar Careers | South Wales Police | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk) neu cysylltwch â'n Tîm Gweithredu Cadarnhaol ar PositiveAction@south-wales.police.uk, a fydd yn gallu eich cefnogi gydag unrhyw ymholiadau a allai fod gennych.


A allech gwblhau'r arolwg erbyn 31 Mawrth 2024 os gwelwch yn dda.




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Message Sent By
Robyn Walsh
(South Wales Police, Public Engagement Manager, South Wales)

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