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Hello Resident

Role: Leadership, Equality and Diversity Trainer

Contract: Permanent, part time (4 days)

Location: Bridgend/Hybrid

Salary: £30,783.00 - £35,982.00

Closing Date: 11th March 2024

An opportunity has arisen within South Wales Police to join the Learning and Development People and Leadership Development Team as a Leadership, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Trainer.

For more information - https://policejobswales.tal.net/vx/mobile-0/appcentre-SouthWales/brand-0/spa-1/candidate/so/pm/6/pl/15/opp/6450-Leadership-Equality-and-Diversity-Trainer/en-GB?adhoc_referrer=jobboard_SWPlistens     

You will be at the forefront of planning and delivering training to all who attend the training unit, both internally and externally, helping develop those individuals in line with Force/National requirements.

About the team/Department you will be joining:

  • We are a small team who are based in Bridgend, but there may be the requirement on occasions for the successful applicant to work at other locations throughout the force, and out of force.
  • The People and Leadership Development Team currently work between 9am-5pm 5 days a week (Mon-Fri). However, the role offers flexible working.
  • Trainers are multi-functional and deliver training across all areas of Leadership, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
  • The position is for 30 hours (four days) per week.
  • About the role and your key responsibilities:

  • To be responsible for the design, development and delivery of Leadership, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion training to South Wales Police officers and staff, working with external bodies as necessary.
  • Apply creative and innovative design approaches, including blended and online training, which optimise audience engagement through images, animations, video, audio and interactions to reinforce learning.
  • To promote and Leadership, Equality, Diversion and Inclusion, both within South Wales Police and external partners.
  • What skills and experience do we need you to bring to the role:

  • Must have a good standard of education to at least GCSE A-C Level, including Maths and English, or be able to demonstrate equivalent skills and abilities.
  • Must be the holder of either a police trainer’s certificate, a Certificate in Teaching in Lifelong Learning Section (CTLLS), a certificate in Education & Training (CET), have completed the College of Policing Training Essentials Programme (TEP) or have successfully obtained a certificate in Education/P.G.C.E. in post 16 Education or equivalent.
  • Must be computer literate and proficient in Microsoft Office 365 applications.
  • This role is suitable for part time/job share workers 

    The successful Candidate must be willing to undergo vetting to RV Vetting.

    For more information:- https://policejobswales.tal.net/vx/mobile-0/appcentre-SouthWales/brand-0/spa-1/candidate/so/pm/6/pl/15/opp/6450-Leadership-Equality-and-Diversity-Trainer/en-GB?adhoc_referrer=jobboard_SWPlistens                     


    Shwmae Resident

    Rôl: Hyfforddwr Arweinyddiaeth, Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth

    Contract: Parhaol, rhan-amser (4 diwrnod)

    Lleoliad: Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr/Hybrid

    Cyflog: £30,783.00 - £35,982.00

    Dyddiad Cau: 11 Mawrth 2024


    Mae cyfle wedi codi o fewn Heddlu De Cymru i ymuno â Thîm Datblygu Pobl ac Arweinyddiaeth fel Hyfforddwr Arweinyddiaeth, Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant.

    Byddwch yn rhan flaenllaw o'r gwaith o gynllunio a darparu hyfforddiant i bob unigolyn sy'n mynychu'r uned hyfforddiant, yn fewnol ac yn allanol, gan helpu i ddatblygu'r unigolion hynny yn unol â gofynion yr Heddlu/gofynion Cenedlaethol.

    Y tîm/Adran y byddwch yn ymuno ag ef/hi:

  • Rydym yn dîm bach sydd wedi'i leoli ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, ond bydd angen i'r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus weithio mewn lleoliadau eraill ledled ardal yr heddlu a thu hwnt o bryd i'w gilydd.
  • Mae'r Tîm Datblygu Pobl ac Arweinyddiaeth yn gweithio rhwng 9am a 5pm 5 diwrnod yr wythnos (Llun-Gwener) ar hyn o bryd. Fodd bynnag, mae'r rôl yn cynnig gweithio hyblyg.
  • Mae'r hyfforddwyr yn amlswyddogaethol ac yn darparu hyfforddiant ym mhob maes Arweinyddiaeth, Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant.
  • Mae'r swydd hon yn 30 awr (pedwar diwrnod) yr wythnos.
  • Y rôl a'ch prif gyfrifoldebau:

  • Bod yn gyfrifol am gynllunio, datblygu a darparu hyfforddiant Arweinyddiaeth, Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant i swyddogion a staff Heddlu De Cymru, gan weithio gyda chyrff allanol yn ôl yr angen.
  • Cymhwyso dulliau cynllunio creadigol ac arloesol, gan gynnwys hyfforddiant cyfunol ac ar-lein, sy'n cynyddu ymgysylltiad y gynulleidfa i'r eithaf drwy ddelweddau, animeiddiadau, fideo, sain a rhyngweithiadau er mwyn atgyfnerthu'r gwaith dysgu.
  • Hyrwyddo Arweinyddiaeth, Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant, o fewn Heddlu De Cymru a'r partneriaid allanol.
  • Pa sgiliau a phrofiad y mae angen i chi eu cynnig i'r rôl:

  • Rhaid meddu ar lefel dda o addysg hyd at lefel TGAU (A-C) o leiaf, sy'n cynnwys Mathemateg a Saesneg, neu allu dangos sgiliau a galluoedd cyfatebol
  • Rhaid meddu ar dystysgrif hyfforddi'r heddlu, Tystysgrif mewn Addysg yn yr Adran Dysgu Gydol Oes (CTLLS), tystysgrif mewn Addysg a Hyfforddiant (CET), bod wedi cwblhau Rhaglen Hyfforddiant Hanfodol y Coleg Plismona, neu fod wedi llwyddo i gael Tystysgrif Addysg/TAR mewn Addysg ôl-16 neu'r hyn sy'n cyfateb iddi.
  • Rhaid meddu ar sgiliau cyfrifiadurol a bod yn hyddysg mewn rhaglenni Microsoft Office 365.
  • Mae'n rhaid i'r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus fod yn fodlon cael ei fetio hyd at Lefel RV



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    Message Sent By
    Robyn Walsh
    (South Wales Police, Public Engagement Manager, South Wales)

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