The Police
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Recruitment / Recriwtio



Hello Resident

If you or someone you know are Interested in becoming a Special Constable? We will be open for applications from the 12th February 2024. 

Please follow the link below to our website which has further information on the role.

The Special Constable Role | South Wales Police (south-wales.police.uk)

Apply here - South Wales Police Special Constable Campaign February 2024 - Police Jobs Wales (tal.net)

Please note that if you intend to apply, we will be offering an upskill session on Monday 19th February for those who will sit their Behaviour Style Questionnaire and Situational Judgement Test (BSQ/SJT), please do not sit this test until you have received contact from us.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on PositiveAction@south-wales.police.uk


Shwmae Resident

Oes gennych chi neu rywun rydych yn ei adnabod ddiddordeb mewn bod yn Gwnstabl Gwirfoddol? Byddwn yn derbyn ceisiadau o 12 Chwefror 2024 ymlaen.

Dilynwch y ddolen isod i'n gwefan, sydd â gwybodaeth bellach am y rôl.

Rôl Y Cwnstabl Gwirfoddol | Heddlu De Cymru (south-wales.police.uk)

Gwnewch gais yma - Ymgyrch Cwnstabl Arbennig Heddlu De Cymru Chwefror 2024 - (tal.net)

Nodwch, os ydych yn bwriadu gwneud cais, byddwn yn cynnig sesiwn uwchsgilio ddydd Mawrth 19 Chwefror i'r rheini a fydd yn cwblhau'r Holiadur Arddulliau Ymddygiadol a'r Prawf Barn Sefyllfaol (BSQ/SJT), peidiwch â chwblhau'r prawf hwn nes eich bod clywed gennym.

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch â ni ar PositiveAction@south-wales.police.uk

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Message Sent By
Robyn Walsh
(South Wales Police, Public Engagement Manager, South Wales)

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