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Officer Drop In Session / Sesiwn Galw Heibio Gyda Swyddogion

Hi Resident


We will be holding a public drop-in session at St Marys Church on 16/02/2024 at 1300-1400.


Officers from South Wales Police will be on hand to listen to any concerns and to offer crime prevention advice.


Helo Resident


Byddwn yn cynnal sesiwn galw heibio i'r cyhoedd yn St Marys Church ar 16/02/2024 am 1300-1400.


Bydd swyddogion o Heddlu De Cymru wrth law i wrando ar unrhyw bryderon a chynnig cyngor ar atal troseddau.

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Message Sent By
Steffan Elias
(Police , PCSO, Swansea NPT)

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